Why Polish is a Difficult Language to Learn And What You Can do to Get Around This

Why Polish is a Difficult Language to Learn And What You Can do to Get Around This

As global business expands, there is an increasing need to communicate. This not only requires language skills but also the knowledge of the cultural, economic and legal methodology of the foreign country. This is where a language translator comes in handy, one who is well-versed in the nuances of the country in question. As trade ties between India and Poland are on rise, there is now a requirement for experienced polish translators. Polish is the official language of Poland, but there are Polish speaking communities in several business partner countries like Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, Russia, etc. Thus some may feel the need to learn polish to make business ties easier, but is it easy to learn? Learning a new language is always a challenge especially if you are not surrounded by native speakers of that language. With Polish, however, there are additional challenges which increase the level of practice and time required to master the language. A Polish language translator would be of great help to overcome the need to learn a language for business. Especially, when you need to interact online with business contacts in Poland or are selling to the local Polish people. Learning Polish is exceptionally difficult. Some of the reasons are listed below: Alphabets The Polish language is based on the Latin alphabet and thus has many similarities with English. However, there are some additional letters with diacritics each with a different sound. Thus there are 32 letters in the Polish alphabet, nine vowels and 23 consonants. Further, the script includes nine additional letters. A learner will need to start learning Polish from the basic text. Digraphs and Pronunciation The Polish language is largely based on consonants rather than vowels. The script also includes as many as seven digraphs (these are a group of two letters which combine to represent one sound) and even one trigraph, all of which have one sound. The phonetics are difficult to master as the nasal vowels, and palatal consonants require a unique tongue and lip movement. The sounds are not only hard to understand but are tough to master and require a lot of practice. Here a good polish translator comes in handy. Grammar The Polish grammar is not easy to learn. The nouns can have up to 7 versions depending on how they are used in the sentence and the sense they are used in. One may be understood, but it is still difficult. Also, the gender system is very complex and requires a considerable effort to master. Punctuation The Polish language has rigid rules for punctuation regarding the use of commas. Use of apostrophes and quotation marks is entirely different. Apostrophes do not end in a period. Also, the use of capital letters is very different from English Spellings Another challenge while learning polish is that some sounds which are the same phonetically may have different spellings in different words. Thus one needs to memorise homophonic spellings of individual words. Also in Polish, the stress is always on the penultimate syllable which requires care while one is learning the language. Free word order If you are an English speaker, you will relate to the standard word order – subject-verb-object. However, in Polish, this can be changed or jumbled depending on the emphasis. This is a unique feature of Polish. Will all these different rules and exceptions to every rule, it is a complex language to learn to say the least. Employing an efficient polish language translation service can be a straightforward solution helping your business to grow. Mayflower Translation Services promises authentic translations with skilled and expert personnel who will help you achieve your goal.

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